What kind of cat litter to choose?

Home 9 What kind of cat litter to choose

Cats are, by nature, very clean pets.

The introduction of hygienic cat litter made the life of both the animal and the owner more comfortable and hassle-free.
Industrially made and suitably packaged cat litter allows the cat owner to create comfortable hygiene conditions for their pet in a city apartment. Maybe that’s why cats, apart from dogs, are other common pets in the world.

In addition, cats do not need special training to use the toilet – as smart and quick-witted animals they quickly find a cat litter box.

Every cat owner is faced with the choice of which cat litter to use

The pet supplies market offers a wide range of choices and also makes decision-making difficult. However, what properties actually work, what kind of sand is pleasing to both the animal and the family, what kind of sand leaves home clean and odourless – this is often revealed during testing.

Going shopping, you can find very different cat litters – clumping and non-clumping bentonite litters, silicon litters and various granular beddings. Clumping means that after the cat has urinated, a lump forms, which is easy to remove when cleaning the sandbox with a shovel.

If a cat comes to the family with the skills to use the toilet, it is worth asking the previous owner what type of litter has been used and starting with the same litter in a new home. If there is a need or desire to change the type of litter, it should be done a little later if the pet is already used to a new home.

Little kittens are diligent learners and find the toilet quickly. However, if an accident has occurred and the pet has made trouble in the wrong place, you can use a shovel or toilet paper to move it to the litter box so that the animal can find the right place the next time it smells. In the case of kittens, you should start with an open litter box and then cover it over time if you wish. If the box cover has a removable door, the door can be removed after the cover has been added and replaced only after the cat is used to going to the covered toilet.

When introducing a new type of sand, it should initially be used in an existing litter box. By changing the type of litter and the box simultaneously, the animal may feel uncomfortable and not use the new toilet.

The litter box should be placed in a place in the house or apartment where the cat has good access to it at all times, but it could be in a quieter and less crowded corner – yes, cats also need a little privacy during this operation. πŸ™‚

Even the best litter can stick a little to the cat’s paws, or the cat will work with such enthusiasm that some of the sand may fly out. Therefore, it is worth checking that the used litter does not leave dust marks on the floor or carpet. The easiest way is to remove the grains of litter that have come out of the box as they usually stay around the litter box as well.



Silica crystal cat litter is a natural product whose raw material comes directly from the earth’s crust. Treatment of the sodium sand with oxygen and water results in small pore beads that allow the liquid to absorb about 40 times more than its weight. The same product is also widely used to prevent moisture from dry food for humans (canned meat, etc.) or consumer items (clothing, footwear, etc.).
Using silicon litter, use a scoop to remove solid particles from the stool regularly. Urine seeps and deposits in the crystals in the lower layers of the litter box.

If wished, a special plastic bag can be installed at the bottom of the sandbox before pouring in the crystals. Then, it is easy to remove the plastic bag with the used silicon crystals when cleaning the litter box.

The KittyClean 3.6L silica cat litter bag is suitable for one cat for up to a month.

The KittyClean 6L, silica cat litter bag, is also suitable for two cats for up to one month or one cat for up to six weeks.

When changing the litter, rinse the litter box with warm water and dry it before pouring in the new litter. Follow the exact instructions on the package.

Check out how silica cat litter is made


As the name suggests, cat litter based on bentonite is obtained due to clay processing. The mined clay is dried, ground into granules in a grinder and sieved to size; then, the dust particles are removed by filtration. The result is high-quality, low-dust, hygienic cat litter with good moisture and odour binding. Cat litters based on bentonite are divided into clumping and non-clumping. Regardless of whether the bentonite is clumping or not, solid faeces are regularly removed with a scoop. The difference between clumping and non-clumping litter is the binding and removal of urine.

In the case of non-clumping litter, the cat’s urine is absorbed by the litter, and this type of litter needs to be changed more often and has less good odour binding.

KittyClean bentonite cat litter is clumping, meaning that the cat’s urine forms a solid clump in a few seconds, which is easy to remove with a scoop. As a result, the cat toilet stays clean longer and does not emit an unpleasant odour quickly. Cat litter can be added to the toilet from time to time to compensate for the clumps removed.

There are various clumping cat litters in the retail network. The reddish-brown clay sands often have an uneven grain size of 0.1-12 mm and therefore do not clump so quickly. The clump to be removed is much larger, so the seemingly low bag price can actually be more expensive during use, and the cat’s hygiene conditions also suffer.

KittyClean 5L clumping cat litter belongs to the so-called premium class of litters, white in colour, or light grey, with a grain size of 0.1-7mm. Therefore the clump is formed faster and is smaller and more economical.

When changing the cat litter, rinse the litter box with warm water, and dry thoroughly before pouring in the new sand. Follow the exact instructions on the package.

Check out how bentonite cat litter is made



Wood pellet bedding is suitable for cats and many other small animals – rabbits, birds, etc.

Wood pellets are produced from the local forest as a result of felling waste or sawdust treatment. The best wood pellets are created by crushing softwood waste or sawdust to a uniform mass, which is dried and compressed into uniform pellets at very high temperatures and pressures. The powder is then cooled and filtered with compressed air. The resin found in conifers acts as a binder for the pellet.

When using wood pellets as cat litter, only solid faeces should be removed regularly with a scoop. Urine seeps and deposits in the granules in the lower layers of the litter box. Used pellets can be composted.

Kitty Clean wood pellet bedding is available in a 7L bag and stays clean for one cat for up to a month.

When changing the bedding, rinse the litter box with warm water, and dry thoroughly before pouring in the new granules. Follow the exact instructions on the package.

Duration and cleanliness of the litter in the litter box depends from the frequency of toilet use and hygiene of the cat(s). Some cats may be more demanding in terms of cleanliness and then need to change the litter more often.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact info@kittyclean.eu